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The American Character (Ken Kunken)

Announcer: Here is Norman Vincent Peale on “The American Character.”
Dr. Peale: “It was a bright fall afternoon – the year 1970. Ken Kunken raced down the field under a Cornell kickoff to the Columbia University football team. Ken made a jarring tackle and was carried off the field, his neck broken. He was paralyzed for life, except for some slight movement in his left arm. Ken recalls his thoughts at the time, “I had to weigh my remaining assets,” he said, “I still had my mind, my most precious asset, and a wonderful family  and friends to encourage me to go on.” With these, Ken Kunken rebuilt his life. He went back to Cornell and earned his bachelors degree in engineering. Later, he added two masters degrees -  in psychological counseling and personnel administration. He now holds a full-time job as counselor to the handicapped at a Human Resources Center on Long Island. Recently, he was  accepted as a law student at Hofstra University, explaining “I think I can do more for the  handicapped in the law field.”
A quadriplegic overcoming great personal handicaps, Ken Kunken thinks only of rebuilding his life to serve others, in the American Character.”

Announcer: Norman Vincent Peale on “The American Character” is funded in the public interest by ITT, International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation.
(Infocom Broadcast Services Inc./71 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y 10016 (212) 725‑2662)


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